This writing club is open to all who have a thirst for writing that can not be quenched. Poetry, Haiku poems, Short story, Fiction and Non-Fiction what ever your style may be. Please if you are interested in joining us and posting your work feel free to contact any one of the contributers. Thank you...your friends at Write Words.
In dreams we reach yet separated we remain, framed by our existence, locked in our walls not seeing, but hoping, feeling that the other is out there, so alike and so alone.
Cynthia...would you like an invite to be a regular writer? This was awesome.
I add this entry for you. So happy to see your work.
Beautiful and I love what it says for the picture.
I like the image of separate yet framed ... being held in "cells" yet empathetic of the other. Pretty cool stuff!
I choose this picture too! I love how you saw the picture. I hope I can do it justice as you have.
Y'all, I'd be honored.
Cyn, beautiful, inventive writing!
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