

HAIKU by TJ Romance and Relationships

A strong love
conjures up range
conflicting emotions.
It's the red and gold with the angel....color choices that the artist used that caught my attention for Writing and poetry


Cynthia said...

You're back!! Yay!

Tammy Brierly said...

Look at you go, right where you left off ;) Lovely haiku TJ

Clockworkchris said...

Nice, I know some of these people from Poetry Thursday and I didn't even realize it. Your haiku was beautiful TJ, I think I need another invite and everytime a post or commment is made I am getting an email-you may want to switch that back to your email address (or anyone else who wants to help out)
Kimberleigh-Really apprecaite the compliment.

Katie McKenna said...

That is so true! Lovely haiku TJ!