

I'd like to shed
my white skin
leave it laying
shell like on the side
of the road
it embarrasses me
reminds me my black
grandpa isn't mine

proclaims arrogantly
rights and freedoms
like I've seen things
white girl like me

what do I know
about racism
and life struggles
threw back doors and alleys

if you see me
wave and smile, then
set fire to that shell of
papier-mache woman

Christina K. Brown


Ann Marie Simard said...

Christina, this poem left me speechless in its beauty, sincerity and truth in the form and force of expression. It still does.

Ann Marie

Cate said...

I second Ann Marie. This is powerful and moving. Just brilliant.

TJ said...

Remarkable words for making the changes for exceptance.

Anonymous said...

I had to re-read.
Just lovely, Chris; very insightful.

Ann Marie Simard said...

I came back to say that I am in awe of Christina's writing. There's no other way of putting it. I have read this here, there, everywhere...

Then I had another question but I am not the one to answer.... I have been thinking all day that Cate's writing is exactly the brand of this club's. Great great quality of writing. As everything here.

When I'm reading you all I go and get a shame fit. My lil things and drawings are getting smaller and smaller. But that's okay because good writing makes for better writing! I am being sincere.

is for
peace & love
not for
profits & losses

Ann Marie