GRAY matter moves in slowly, cancellating and consuming understanding, health and wellness, tranquility, peace, spiritual awareness and patience.
BLACK circles of sadness and mourning, evil, loss and confusion strangling your sight for faith, purity, truth and sincerity.
I see you clearly.
Your eyes are filled with the uncertainty and doubt from hiding in secret places, moving with hesitation questioning what really matters.
Let me help soften your sight to perceive the colorful vision of hope.
I love you son.
Look at me, not through me.
Expression of Photo #11
[Health... ][Health and wellness... ]
"Your eyes are filled with the uncertainty and doubt from hiding in secret places, moving with hesitation questioning what really matters."
Very powerful. I can relate to this too well...
Wow TJ, this was really good! "look at me, not through me" is constantly in my head!
TJ, this is very, very good. It goes with the picture so well, too. Wow!
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