
Morning Song

I can see you starting this,
another day to face
tho you take it in stride
I wallow in your grace.


As she breathes life into a new day
she awakens the birds who can't
resist her morning song
so they sing as well.
Her scent left with
lover's of yesterday
lingers thru history;
lays like a blanket . . .
more like morning dew....
spread all over the grass
of thoughts we share.

Her easy smile taps
at the door of passions
awakening sweet tarts
to be consumed
by the senses.

She, in her morning song
speaks of the quite of dawn
sending the stars to bed
letting up the shade
hiding the sun.

Not even the aroma
of fresh coffee brewing
can shadow out the notes
played on the senses
in her morning song
to draw in the comng day.

by Del Cano 2006 Feb


TJ said...

in her morning song
speaks of the quite of dawn
sending the stars to bed
letting up the shade
hiding the sun.

"sending the stars to bed..." very nice. I like that. Thank you for your entry.

Red said...

What a wonderful picture you have painted. Thank you, I enjoyed it very much.

Ann Marie said...

This was a pleasant poem trickling with switching images that tickled our senses. Cool!!


Delcano said...

Thnking each of you for kind words. Trying to get more free verse out.
